Everybody Dies!

November 19, 2020 – February 21, 2021

Nuotama Bodomo
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
Francisco Goya
Melchior Grossek
Dorothea Lange
Louise Lawler
Sherrie Levine
Bill Miller
Diane Nerwen
John Schabel
Jim Shaw

No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow.

Death don’t have no mercy. 
Reverend Gary Davis

The logic of unnecessary suffering and death is guaranteed by the news. Before the pandemic, before the explicit brutality revealed by cell phone videos, violence has long been sublimated through media ritual. If it bled, it led. School shootings, police violence, environmental carnage, and “expected” casualties in low-income neighborhoods scroll across the screen in a flash, furnishing living rooms with wall to wall anxiety, explicitly evoking fearful responses that fuel a divisive politics.

With no chance to pause, no break in the breathless expression of conflict and reprisal, the citizen succumbs. Lacking rituals that permit assimilation of pain and loss, the media’s engine churns, denying us the specificity and details that might foster empathy over alienation. As government and the social order morph into a massive train wreck from which it’s impossible to look away, the now limitless terrain occupied by corporate and social media graft themselves over the last shreds of community interest, blanketing consciousness with ratings systems that stimulate competitiveness over comprehension.

Identifying with faithful cable networks and social media communities that confirm our beliefs by contrasting them with those of whom we’re encouraged to despise, the undeniable, universal nature of mortality becomes a divisive subject. In a system predicated on experience-as-commodity, this question of value extends to a life, with prices varying depending on where one falls in the social order. The “essential workers” are applauded as they fall, their pain understood most acutely by the communities within which the media rarely tread.

Death has a value that’s overshadowed by “life”, as life asserts values which deny death’s existence. A deadly virus rips through partisan divides, mocking the tribal fury which overshadows a mutual acknowledgment of a common plight. The economic divide looms underneath, as grotesque inequalities, unmatched in nearly a century, threaten to take their revenge.

Taking its title from Nuotama Bodomo’s 2016 film, Everybody Dies!, which features Tonya Pinkins as a fictitious public access TV host Ripa the (grim) Reaper who "teaches black kids about the day they’ll die”, this exhibition will explore the theme of death through social, political, and metaphysical perspectives.

We’d like to thank all the artists and the following lenders for their loans of artwork for the exhibition: The Museum of Modern Art, New York (Felix Gonzalez-Torres), Division Leap (Melchior Grossek), Getty Open Source (Dorothea Lange), Metro Pictures (Louise Lawler), Angel Abreu (Sherrie Levine), Simon Lee Gallery, London / Hong Kong (Jim Shaw), Winter Works on Paper (archival material) and Bob Dvonch (The Diggers).

Thanks also to Daylon Orr and gallery assistants Maya Fell, Laura Li, Hsiang-Hsi Lu, Veronika Molnar, and Hannah Park for their committed work on the show. A special thanks to Lawrence B. Benenson for his generous support.

Everybody Dies! catalog


Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Dorothea Lange
Funeral Cortege, End of an Era in a Small Valley Town, California, 1938, Inkjet Print, 8 3/8” x 10”, Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program

Sherrie Levine
Black Mirror: 5 (part of the Mourning Mirrors series), 2004, Mirrored glass in mahogany frame, 12 1/2” x 18 1/2”, Courtesy of Angel Abreu

Archival Material
Antique “Mourning Prints” swatch pages from a dressmaker’s book, circa 1870, 10 1/2” x 15 3/8”, Courtesy of Winter Works on Paper.

Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Archival Material
Digger Ephemera, Courtesy of Bob Dvonch, photo: Nicholas Knight

Archival Material
Digger Ephemera, Courtesy of Bob Dvonch, photo: Nicholas Knight

John Schabel
November 22, 1963, 1963-2020, Pigmented ink print, 8.5” x 22 1/8”, Courtesy of the artist.

Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Installation View
Louise Lawler, Civilian, 2010, Courtesy of the artist and Metro Pictures, photo: Nicholas Knight

Louise Lawler
Civilian, 2010, Printed vinyl, 24” x 29 1/8”, Courtesy of the artist and Metro Pictures.

Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Diane Nerwen
5/24/20, 2020, Inkjet print, 8” x 10 3/8”, Courtesy of the artist.

Felix Gonzalez-Torres
“Untitled” (Death by Gun), 1990, Print on paper, endless copies, Stack: 9” at ideal height x 44 15/16” x 32 15/16”, Courtesy of the Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation and the Museum of Modern Art, New York, photo: Nicholas Knight

Felix Gonzalez-Torres
Detail: “Untitled” (Death by Gun), 1990, Print on paper, endless copies, Stack: 9” at ideal height x 44 15/16” x 32 15/16”, Courtesy of the Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation and the Museum of Modern Art, New York

Installation View
Melchior Grossek, Grossek’s Dance of Death, 1923, Courtesy of Division Leap, photo: Nicholas Knight

Melchior Grossek
Grossek’s Dance of Death, VII. Der Zeppelin (The Zeppelin), 1923, 7 5/8” x 7 1/8”,
Courtesy of Division Leap, photo: Nicholas Knight

Melchior Grossek
Grossek’s Dance of Death, III. Der Ausmarsch (The March Out), 1923, 11 1/4” x 7 1/8”, Courtesy of Division Leap.

Melchior Grossek
Grossek’s Dance of Death, IV. Die Feldherren (The Commanders), 1923, 8 3/4” x 7 15/16”, Courtesy of Division Leap.

Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Bill Miller
Unlucky, 2016, Video, 3 minutes 45 seconds, Courtesy of the artist, photo: Nicholas Knight

Bill Miller
Still from Unlucky, 2016, Video, 3 minutes 45 seconds, Courtesy of the artist.

Jim Shaw
The Third Angel, 2015, Acrylic on muslin, 72” x 45”, Courtesy of the artist and Simon Lee Gallery, London / Hong Kong, photo: Nicholas Knight

Installation View
Everybody Dies!, carriage trade, photo: Nicholas Knight

Nuotama Bodomo
Everybody Dies!, 2016, Video, 9 minutes, Courtesy of the artist, photo: Nicholas Knight

Nuotama Bodomo
Everybody Dies!, 2016, Video, 9 minutes, Courtesy of the artist, photo: Nicholas Knight