The Cult of Personality

Portraits and Mass Culture
at Galerie Erna Hecey

October 17 - November 29, 2008

Yasser Aggour
Jennifer Dalton
Peter Friedl
Jef Geys
Liselot van der Heijden
Vitaly Komar
Ligorano and Reese
Sherrie Levine
Paul McCarthy
Muntadas and Reese
Bill Owens
Julia Wachtel
Karen Yama

more on the artists

 Erna Hecey Gallery is very pleased to present the exhibition The Cult of Peronality, Portraits and Mass Culture.

As the U.S presidential campaign kicks into high gear, the exhibition The Cult of Personality, Portraits and Mass Culture investigates the relationship between celebrity and political personas within the context of mass media. In focusing on portraiture, a genre which privileges the relative psychological interest of its subject, this exhibition attempts to locate the manner in which the development of an identity for mass consumption adopts the traditional viewer/subject relationship, with the result that the viewer tends to ‘lose themselves’ in the protectiveness or superiority of the featured personality.

Democratic societies, presumed to be free from totalitarian-style cults of personality, often employ persuasion, seduction, and manipulation as part of a phenomenon known as ‘soft power’, a seemingly benign means of governmental influence on mass media whereby a citizen’s position is more or less co-opted through overwhelming saturation of ‘preferred’ information. The influence on mass sentiment by public relations firms, lobbyists and the frequently used anonymous sources within the news, when taken as a whole, is usually dismissed as conspiratorial. But when considered in practical terms (success or failure), the effectiveness of a democratic government’s use of mass media to convince the public, for example, that it is in their best interest to go to war, recent history has proven these methods to be extremely reliable.

Depending on whether the goal is to make the subject appear ‘familiar’ or ‘in charge’, remnants of various types of portraiture, from the snapshot to the honorific, are usually visible in the fabricated image of a politician or celebrity. While maintaining a significant relationship to the genre of portraiture, the artwork and archival material in The Cult of Personality, Portraits and Mass Culture, represents a broad range of responses to the creation of identity cults via mass media, offering critical and sometimes ironic commentary on the construction, dissemination, and consumption of larger than life figures within the public arena.

installation shot
Julia Wachtel (left), Jennifer Dalton (middle), Karen Yama (right)

installation shot
Yasser Aggour (left), archival material (middle), Jennifer Dalton (right)

Karen Yama
They’re Hier
plywood shelf, photographs, frames and mirror
16" x 38" x 12", 2008

Jennifer Dalton
What Does an Artist Look Like?
(Every Artist to Appear in the New Yorker Magazine)

30 hand-labeled laminated snapshots, 6" x 4" each
ed. of 6, 2002
courtesy of Winkleman Gallery

Yasser Aggour
Che, Arafat, Nehru, John Wayne, Mao
digital c-print, 40†x 30†, ed. of 5, 2004-2008

installation shot
Bill Owens (left), Sherrie Levine (middle), Yasser Aggour (right)

Muntadas & Reese
Political Advertisement VI: 1952-2004
video: b&w and color with sound, 75 min, 2004

installation shot
Bill Owens (left) and Jennifer Dalton (right)

installation shot
Vitaly Komar (left), Bill Owens (middle), Sherrie Levine (right)

Sherrie Levine
Untitled (President Series)
photograph, 5.5†x 3.5†, circa 1975

installation shot
Felix (left), Vitaly Komar (middle), Bill Owens (right)

Untitled (Kurt Cobain)
paint on black velvet, 23.5†x 17†, cira 1994
courtesy of Ken Freedman

Vitaly Komar
Vitaly Komar Collection
mixed media, dimensions variable, 1987-97

Vitaly Komar
Vitaly Komar Collection (detail)
mixed media, dimensions variable, 1987-97

Vitaly Komar
Vitaly Komar Collection (detail)
mixed media, dimensions variable, 1987-97

Vitaly Komar
Vitaly Komar Collection (detail)
mixed media, dimensions variable, 1987-97

Vitaly Komar
Vitaly Komar Collection (detail)
mixed media, dimensions variable, 1987-97

Paul McCarthy
Untitled (Micheal Jackson)
mixed media on paper, 18†x 23†, 1998
courtesy of Dan Graham

Liselot van der Heijden
Untitled (Che)
two channel video, loop

Liselot van der Heijden
Untitled (Che) (detail)
two channel video, loop

archival material
Look Alikes
c-print, 6" x 4", 2008

archival material
Look Alikes
c-print, 6" x 4", 2008

Ligorano / Reese
John Ashcroft Snowglobe
snowglobe, 8†x 6†x 6†, ed. of 25, 2003

Jef Geys
Proper Names
mixed media installation